Luccombe Road, Shanklin PO37 6RQ
£475,000 via BCM, BCM Wilson Hill: 01983 213088
A great opportunity to purchase a development site with extant planning consent for two detached dwellings that are ready to build.
Description - A great opportunity to purchase a development site with extant planning consent for two detached dwellings that are ready to build. Our client has gone to great lengths getting the site prepared ready to build. The vendor has commenced on site including discharging relevant planning conditions, installation of drainage and setting out.
The site is located in a superb position on the outskirts of the picturesque Shanklin Old Village with easy access to many miles of walks close by. Shanklin with its wealth of shops and amenities including Shanklin Theatre is approximately a mile away. Shanklin Esplanade and Shanklin Chine with its beach and associated seaside attractions are also within a short dis-tance. The Island line train station gives direct links to Ryde Pier Head with Fast Cat Ferry services taking you into Portsmouth Harbour Train Station. Local bus routes are available in the village. In all, the property extends to 0.22 acres (0.09ha).
General Remarks And Stipulations -
Method Of Sale - The property is offered for sale as a whole, by private treaty.
Tenure - The property is freehold and vacant possession will be given on completion.
Planning - Full planning permission was granted under references: 19/00941/DIS - Condition compliance application on P/00294/19 for conditions 6 (materials) and 9 (construction management plan).
22/00143/CLEUD - Lawful Development Certificate to establish compliance with condition 1 on P/00294/19 for Two detached houses with garages; formation of vehicular access and parking/driveways to establish a legal commencement of works for this development.
P/00294/19 - Two detached houses with garages; formation of vehicular access and parking/driveways.
Services - We understand from the vendor that all services are available within the vicinity and can be requested from the selling agents. There is currently a mains sewer installed on site with approval from Southern Water.
Local Authority - Isle of Wight Council,
Postcode - PO37 6RQ
Wayleaves, Easements & Rights Of Way - The property is being sold subject to and with the benefit of all rights including; rights of way, whether public or private, light, support, drainage, water and electricity supplies and other rights and obligations, easements and quasi-easements and restrictive covenants and all existing and proposed wayleaves for masts, pylons, stays, cables, drains, water and gas and other pipes whether referred to in these particulars or not.
Access - There is access directly off the public highway Luccombe Road.
Plans, Areas And Schedules - These are based on the Ordnance Survey and are for reference only. They have been checked and computed by BCM and the Purchaser(s shall be deemed to have satisfied themselves as to the description of the property. Any error or mis-statement shall not annul a sale or entitle any party to compensation in respect thereof.
Viewings - Strictly by appointment with BCM only.
Council Tax - The proposed dwellings will be rated by the valuation office agency upon completion.
Epc - The proposed dwelling(s) have an estimated B Rating, which has been accounted for within the SAP results.
Broadband - 16 Mbps
Building Regulations - Working drawings complete and available from the selling agents. Building regulations has been granted full approval, with only 1 condition outstanding. The first site inspection has taken place.
Section 106 - There are no Section 106 contributions due to the local authority.
What3words - ///albums.jazzy.downcast
Agent: BCM, BCM Wilson Hill
BCM BAYS CURRY MCCOWEN LLP, BCM, Red Barn, Cheeks Farm, Merstone Lane, Merstone, Isle of Wight, PO30 3DE
Phone: 01983 213088
Return to: All Properties in PO37