Staplers Road, Newport PO30 2DP
£200,000 via BCM, BCM Wilson Hill: 01983 213088
Approximately 11.50 acres (4.65ha) of pastureland, enjoying views over Newport Town which may have potential for alternative uses (STPP).
Description - Adjoining the north of the property, there is approximately 11.50 acres (4.65ha) of pastureland, enjoying views over Newport Town. The land is currently in grass and scrubland and is divided into three parcels. Lot 2 extends to 11.50 acres (4.65ha).
General Remarks And Stipulations -
Method Of Sale - The property is offered for sale by private treaty.
Services, Infrastructure And Access - Lot 2 –There is a livestock water connection to the pastureland.
Local Authority - Isle of Wight Council, tel: ,
Tenure - The property is being sold freehold, with vacant possession.
Post Code - PO30 2DP
Plans, Areas And Schedules - These are based on the Ordnance Survey and are for reference only. They have been checked and computed by BCM and the Purchaser(s) shall be deemed to have satisfied themselves as to the description of the property. Any error or mis-statement shall not annul a sale or entitle any party to compensation in respect thereof.
Lotting - Lots 2 will not be sold away separately until Lot 1 has exchanged contracts.
Access - Lot 2-Access to Lot 2 is off the public highway, Staplers Road, over a private lane retained by Lot 1, hatched blue on the sale plan.
Wayleaves And Easements - The property is being sold subject to and with the benefit of all rights including; rights of way, whether public or private, light, support, drainage, water and electricity supplies and other rights and obligations, easements and quasi-easements and restrictive covenants and all existing and proposed wayleaves for masts, pylons, stays, cables, drains, water and gas and other pipes whether referred to in these particulars or not.
Overage - There is an existing overage provision applying to Lot 2 in favour of the previous owner. The overage deed confirms an overage provision applies at 35% over a 34 year term. There will be a new (separate) natural capital overage applying to Lot 2 entitling the vendor to 35% of the value of any nutrient (nitrate, phosphate, biodiversity or other) credits sold from the land by the purchaser, or their successors in title, for a 30 year period after completion of the sale.
Viewings - Viewings of the property are to be strictly with a member of BCM. Please contact the Isle of Wight office on should you wish to arrange this.
Health And Safety - Health and Safety Given the poten??al hazards of the site, which is typical of an undeveloped
development site, we ask for your own personal safety to be very vigilant whilst visiting in order to
avoid the risk of accident when making your inspection. All viewings and site visits must be
organised with BCM and should always be accompanied by a member of BCM.
Fixtures And Fittings - BCM will supply a list on request identifying clearly which items are included within the sale, which are excluded and which may be available by separate negotiation. This list is the sole arbiter of this regardless of whether items are referred to or photographed in these particulars
Selling Agent - BCM, Isle of Wight office, Red Barn, Cheeks Farm, Merstone Lane, Merstone, Isle of Wight, PO30
Agent: BCM, BCM Wilson Hill
BCM BAYS CURRY MCCOWEN LLP, BCM, Red Barn, Cheeks Farm, Merstone Lane, Merstone, Isle of Wight, PO30 3DE
Phone: 01983 213088
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