4 bedroom detached house for sale

Acland Road, Bournemouth BH9 1JJ

£375,000 via Hardwick Estate Agents Ltd, Poole: 01202 125697


The property is situated in a desirable location lying within easy reach local shops, amenities and sought after schools. Nearby bus routes provide access to Bournemouth town centre and Castle Point shopping centre.


The property is a traditional Edwardian home with brick elevations and attractive bay windows. Whilst well presented and maintained the property does now offer fantastic scope and potential to improve.

The accommodation briefly comprises;

An entrance porch leads to the reception hall where stairs rise to the first floor with a cloakroom under with wc and wash basin.

The sitting room has a bay window to the front aspect and fireplace, whilst the separate dining room overlooks the rear garden. The spacious kitchen/breakfast room also overlooks the rear garden and offers a range of base and eye level units with space for various appliances. There is a wall mounted gas fired boiler which been replaced in recent years.

Upstairs there are four bedrooms. The rear facing bedrooms enjoy a far-reaching roof top view. Bedroom 4 is a box room/office. The shower room has a three piece suite.

Outside, to the front is a dropped kerb leading to a small parking space that has the potential to be expanded. The front garden has a planted border. A side path and gate lead to the rear garden where there is a patio terrace along the rear of the house. The majority of the garden is laid to lawn with planted borders and there is a timber shed.


Council tax - C
As per the estate agents act an interest is declared.

Hardwick Estate Agents would like to point out that all measurements and indications of plot size set out in these particulars are approximate and are for guidance only. We have not tested any apparatus, equipment, systems or services etc and cannot confirm that they are in working order or fit for purpose. No assumption should be made as to compliance with planning consents or current usage. Nothing in these particulars is intended to indicate that any carpets or curtains, furnishings or fittings, electrical goods (whether wired or not), gas fires or light fitments, or any other fixtures not expressly included form any part of the property being offered for sale. Whilst we endeavour to make our sales particulars accurate and reliable, if there is any point which is of particular importance to you, please contact us and we will be happy to confirm the position to you.

Agent: Hardwick Estate Agents Ltd, Poole

Hardwick Estate Agents Ltd, Covering Poole & Bournemouth

Phone: 01202 125697

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