3 bedroom cottage for sale

Castle Close, Ventnor PO38 1UD

£850,000 via BCM Wilson Hill, Isle of Wight: 01983 213088

A charming, detached property, enjoying splendid views towards The English Channel, with a range of useful outbuildings & separate block of woodland, In all extending to 8.77 acres (3.54ha), available as a whole or in two lots.

Little Pax - 30 Castle Close, Ventnor, Isle of Wight

Ground Floor - Entrance Hall | Sitting Room | Kitchen/Breakfast Room | Rear Lobby | Cloakroom

First Floor - Landing | Bedroom 1 | Two further double bedrooms | Shower Room

Gardens And Grounds - Stone Terrace | Lawned Garden | Shed

Buildings - Timber Garage | Double Garage | Open Fronted Barn | Timber Barn

Woodland - Block of deciduous woodland extending to 8.77 acres

Lotting - Whole - £850,000
Lot 1 - £795,000
Lot 2 - £55,000

Situation - Little Pax is on the western fringe on the coastal town of Ventnor, with nearby eateries such as Castlehaven & Smoking Lobster, only a few minutes’ drive away. The property, enjoying a large plot, is close to Ventnor Botanical Garden, Ventnor Park (famous for its Fringe Festival) and quaint shops in the Town Centre.

History - The house was erected by Hans Stanley when he was Governor of the Isle of Wight in the late 1700’s as his “summer house”.

Description - A charming, detached property, enjoying splendid views towards The English Channel, with a range of useful outbuildings & separate block of woodland, in all extending to 8.77 acres (3.54ha). Available as a whole or in two lots.

Ground Floor - Entering the property via the entrance hall, leading into an impressive sitting room with sea views, bay window seat, wood burning stove with exposed stonework. On the other side of the property, there is an open plan kitchen and dining room with w/c. The window in the breakfast room enjoys views over The English Channel.

First Floor - The first floor enjoys three bedrooms, all double bedrooms, with most of the bedrooms benefitting from stunning views across The English Channel and a recently refurbished shower room.

Gardens & Grounds - A gated access to a track that leads though woodland to the cottage where there is parking. The driveway continues towards the outbuildings. A large terrace adjoins the western elevation of the cottage, and the garden extends to the east. Steps to either side of the of the cottage lead up to a level lawned garden bordered by mature trees from which there are also panoramic sea views.

Buildings - Situated 60m west of the cottage are a range of outbuildings including a timber garage (5.5m x 5.7m), double garage (5.5m x 5.4m), with an update and over door and concrete floor, open fronted barn (6.5m x 5.55m) and a timber framed barn (14.2m x 6.6m).

Woodland - The woodland comprises a wide array of principally mature broadleaf trees making for a delightful natural setting and a haven for wildlife. There are various interesting rock formations and cliffs within these enchanting grounds. The woodland is subject to a Tree Preservation Order.

General Remarks & Stipulations -

Method Of Sale - Little Pax is offered for sale by private treaty as a whole, or in two separate lots.

Tenure - Freehold

Rights Of Way - There are no public or private rights of way across property.

Council Tax - F

Epc - E

Access - The property is accessed off Castle Close, via a private driveway leading to the property. Should Lots 1 and 2 sell separately, to two separate buyers, an area within Lot 2’s freehold, will provide Lot 1 a right of way through the woodland into the main access to the property.

Services - House – Mains water, electric, gas and drainage.
Buildings – Some of the outbuildings are connected to mains electric.

Broadband - Up to 900Mbps

Planning - The property is outside the Isle of Wight National Landscape and the Property is not listed.

Wayleaves, Easements & Rights Of Way - The property is being sold subject to and with the benefit of all rights including; rights of way, whether public or private, light, support, drainage, water and electricity supplies and other rights and obligations, easements and quasi-easements and restrictive covenants and all existing and proposed wayleaves for masts, pylons, stays, cables, drains, water and gas and other pipes
whether referred to in these particulars or not.

Shooting/Sporting/Timber/Mineral Rights - All sporting, timber and mineral rights are included in the freehold sale, in so far as they are owned.

Local Authority - Isle of Wight

Postcode - PO38 1UD

Plans & Schedules - These are based on the Ordnance Survey and are for reference only. They have been checked and computed by BCM and the Purchaser (s) shall be deemed to have satisfied themselves as to the description of the property. Any error or miss-statement shall not annul a sale or entitle any party to compensation in respect thereof.

Fixtures & Fittings - BCM will supply a list of requests, identifying clearly which items are included within the sale, which are excluded, and which may be available by separate negotiation. This list is the sole arbiter of this regardless of whether items are referred to or photographed within these particulars.

What3words - ///fruit.approvals.maximum

Selling Agent - BCM, Isle of Wight
Red Barn, Cheeks Farm, Merstone Lane, Merstone, Isle of Wight, PO30 3DE

Jointly with
Spence Willard, Cowes
Waterside House, 72a High Street, Cowes, Isl eof Wight, PO31 7RE

Agent: BCM Wilson Hill, Isle of Wight

BCM BAYS CURRY MCCOWEN LLP, BCM, Red Barn, Cheeks Farm, Merstone Lane, Merstone, Isle of Wight, PO30 3DE

Phone: 01983 213088

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