Land for sale

Winford Road, Winford, Sandown PO36 0LZ

£125,000 via BCM, BCM Wilson Hill: 01983 213088

An attractive block of pastureland in a semi-rural location with access from the public highway.

Description - An attractive block of pastureland in a semi-rural location with access from the public highway.
The land previously used by a local grazer is being brought to the market for the first time in 40 years and extends to 5.73 acres (2.31ha).

Method Of Sale - The property is offered for sale as a whole. By private treaty.

Services - A livestock water connection exists at the property.

Local Authority - Isle of Wight Council

Postcode - PO36 0LZ

Plans, Areas And Schedules - These are based on the Ordnance Survey and are for reference only. They have been checked and computed by BCM and the Purchaser(s) shall be deemed to have satisfied themselves as to the description of the property. Any error or misstatement shall not annul a sale or entitle any party to compensation in respect thereof.

Access - Access to the property is off the public highway, Winford Road, via a five bar gate.

Nutrient And Biodiversity Overage - The land is sold subject to an overage clause entitling the vendor to 30% of the value of any nutrient (nitrate, phosphate or other) or biodiversity offsetting credits sold from the land by the purchaser, or their successors in title, for a 30
year period after completion of the sale.

Epc & Council Tax & Business Rates - Not applicable

Tenure - Vacant procession will be given on completion of the sale.

Wayleaves, Easements And Rights Of Way - The property is being sold subject to and with the benefit of all rights including; rights of way, whether public or private, light, support, drainage, water and electricity supplies and other rights and obligations, easement and quasi-easements and restrictive covenants and all existing and proposed wayleaves for masts, pylons, stays, cables, drainage, water and gas and other pipes whether referred to in these particulars or not. There are no rights of way crossing the land.

Viewings - Strictly by appointment with BCM only.

Fixtures And Fittings - BCM Wilson Hill will supply a list on request identifying clearly which items are included within the sale, which are excluded and which may be available by separate negotiation. This list is the sole arbiter of this regardless of whether items are referred to or photographed in these particulars.

What3words - ///fiery.revised.myth

Agent: BCM, BCM Wilson Hill

BCM BAYS CURRY MCCOWEN LLP, BCM, Red Barn, Cheeks Farm, Merstone Lane, Merstone, Isle of Wight, PO30 3DE

Phone: 01983 213088

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